Sofia Luz Eckrich
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Welcome, y'all! My aim is to inspire a life full of adventure, creativity and impact.

Whatever you can do or dream you can, begin it; Boldness has genius, power, and magic in it.
— Goethe

Five Ways to Finance Your New Venture

Have a business idea but want to know how to actually finance your venture? With a multitude of options to choose from, how do you decide which financing form is right for you? What are some of the opportunities and challenges that come with each option? Whether you are a first-time entrepreneur or a seasoned pro, this book will walk you through five different options, lay out the benefits and challenges, and introduce you to an entrepreneur who has used this financing method. This book covers the areas of bootstrapping, crowdfunding, angel investing, venture capital and traditional bank financing.

Check out my latest talk given at the Power of One Conference in Dallas, Texas



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